Deadly Honour
Doc, Long version: 85 min, Short version: 58 min, color, 2009
Written, directed and produced by: Lipika Pelham
Editor: Natasha Dudinski
Language: Arabic, Hebrew and English, with English or French Subtitles
Narrated by a 15-year old girl, Salma, based on a real life survivor of honour killing, ‘Deadly Honour’ documents multiple murders and attempted murders of young women in the Israeli city of Ramle. Juarish is a closed neighborhood in Ramle where young girls grow up in fear anticipating their turn to face the killers. This fear is sealed with a code of silence – no one talks about the murders, no one goes to court. But the status quo changed one day when the body of a murdered woman was found in a disused well in the forest.
Festival De Libertes, Belgium, 2011
Tunis Documentary International Film Festival, Tunisia, 2011
Detective International Film & TV Programs, Moscow, Russia, 2011
Chungmuro International Film Festival, South Korea, 2010
The 15th Prix CMCA Int’l Documentary & Reportage Film Festival, Marseille France, 2010
Sole Luna Int’l Film Festival, Italy, 2010
Isratim Montreal, Canada, 2010
WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, USA, 2010
DocAviv Int’l Film Festival, Israel, 2010
Jewish Motifs Film Festival, Warsaw, Poland, 2010
Isratim Film Festival, Paris, 2010
India Int’l Women Film Festival, Special Showcase for Ruth Diskin Films, December 2009
San Diego Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2010
Special Jury Award – CMCA International Film Festival, France, 2010
Special Jury Remi Award – WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, USA, 2010
Reviews & Articles
“Channel 1 airs documentary on honor killings in Ramle“, The Jerusalem Post, Nov 2014
“Israel’s Secret Honor Killings“, Daily Beast, Jul 2017